Please Help Improve Safety for Our Children and Others Around WSTEM School!
- Park outside of the indicated circle to walk and pick up children during drop off (8-8:20am) and pick up (3:20pm/2:20pm Wed) timeframes
Parents who desire to drop off/pick up children by car should:
- Use “HUG and GO” cut out area on Gridley
- HUG and GO Pick-up BEGINS at 3:20pm or 2:20pm on Wednesday (early release)
- Follow clockwise traffic pattern around school and obey in-road street signs
- Pull all the way forward in the cut out lane before dropping off your child
- Teach your child to exit car on the curbside – avoid exit on street side
- Remain in your car and have the child exit the car on their own Inform your child’s teacher that your child will be picked up at “Hug and Go”
A Few Points To Remember During Drop off & Active Pick up:
- Follow clockwise traffic pattern around school
- EAST on Gridley, SOUTH on Kavanaugh, WEST on Portland
- Avoid U-turns or double parking
- Avoid parking in front of the office door on Gridley
- Park in preferred areas – WEST of Glenview Ave or on Parkway
- Avoid parking in areas directly in front of school or in cut out areas
- If not using “Hug and Go”, then park and walk to pick your child up using the “preferred” parking areas
We appreciate your efforts to make our school a safer place. At any time throughout the school year, please contact Principal Heun or Laura Geisler with your questions and concerns:
Mr. Heun: su.iw.21k.asotawuawnull@imnueh
Laura Geisler: su.iw.21k.asotawuawnull@alelsieg